Can Singaporeans get NZ mortgage financing?
There are a healthy number of borrowing options for Singapore investors buying in the NZ market. The max LVR will determine the min amount of deposit you need…
Should I pay in full or pick up a mortgage to finance my NZ investment property?
Buying a property without a mortgage can provide investors with the freedom of mind to enjoy the rental as a passive source of income. Would this be a fitting arrangement for everyone who is in a financial position to do so? We will explore…
5 Things to know about a NZ mortgage
What are the things that I should look out for in a NZ mortgage? Are they any different from a Singapore mortgage?
Get more debt to get out of debt
Is there a way to extract profits out of your investment property without selling? Home equity loan allows you to ..
Why you should not be scared of high interest rates in NZ?
Nobody enjoys paying the banks interest rates. In New Zealand, interest rates are higher than what most Singaporeans are used to and are they of concern? How should we manage them and should we shun them…