Ryan Quah Wei Chin Ryan Quah Wei Chin

What’s driving NZ property prices?

New Zealand property price growth is one of the best performing markets globally. House price has generally doubled every decade, providing outsize returns for home owners and investors. Whats driving…

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Ryan Quah Wei Chin Ryan Quah Wei Chin

How much money can I make investing in NZ property?

Investors often question what is the cash on cash return potential for investing in the New Zealand property market. While returns can vary across different deals amid a host of many variables, what is an expected level of profitability….

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Ryan Quah Wei Chin Ryan Quah Wei Chin

3 matrix to consider when evaluating a NZ property deal

The only way to profit from a property investment is for a future buyer to pay a higher price than what you paid for. What would make a solid qualifying criteria when selecting which property to buy? 3 matrix that will….

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